Independent financial planner Claire Mackay has been awarded a University of Sydney Social Impact Scholarships for 2015.
The University of Sydney Social Impact Scholarship is valued at $10,000
According to the University of Sydney Business School:
“The scholarship is intended to promote academic excellence in the Master of Business Administration degree offered by The University of Sydney Business School.
The scholarship is available to applicants of the Emerging Leaders Scholarship, through the Seeking Australia’s Emerging Leaders campaign, which is jointly run by The University of Sydney Business School and the Australian Financial Review (AFR).
The scholarship is competitive, by application to the Emerging Leaders Scholarship via the Seeking Australia’s Emerging Leader campaign and the Master of Business Administration and awarded on merit to the most outstanding applicants assessed against the following four selection criteria:
1. Prior academic achievement;
2. Leadership capability, with the successful applicant being required to demonstrate outstanding leadership potential in the business domain.
3. Ambassadorial potential, including outstanding public and professional communication skills; and
4. Motivation to succeed in business in a socially responsible way by demonstrating a commitment to applying the learning offered in the Master of Business Administration degree to making a positive difference to professional life and business practice.”
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