Independent financial planner Claire Mackay shares insights about her role as a trusted financial planner.

Why do you love financial planning?

“I get to live a hundred lives through my clients. I get to travel the world, see their children grow up and see them change careers, and throughout it all partner with them. So when they’re celebrating their retirement with a great bottle of champagne, I feel that success as well.”

Favourite part of what you do?

“My favourite part is when you see that “Aha!” moment in a client’s face, where they feel that they’re on the path to where they want to get to or when they release the concerns and fears they have because we’ve got a plan to address that. That’s the best part of being a financial planner.”

What do you do outside of work?

“Outside of work, I enjoy challenges, putting myself in situations where I don’t feel in control, where I’m challenging myself to go above and beyond what I feel comfortable with. So for me that’s being sporty, which I’m not naturally. I’d much rather curl up with a book, but in summer, I ocean swim and patrol the beaches as a surf lifesaver. In the winter time I try to keep healthy. It’s a little bit harder, but also I enjoy attending and watching sports.”

Claire Mackay

About Claire Mackay

I am a financial planner, SMSF expert and company director. I thrive on providing independent, expert financial advice to my wonderful clients. I was recognised as Financial Planner of the Year 2015 and Investment Adviser of the Year 2014. My website is here

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