In the wake of the super changes in Budget 2016, Claire Mackay shared her views with Telegraph (Sydney), Advertiser (Adelaide), Courier Mail (Brisbane) and Herald Sun (Melbourne) readers.
For the second year running, News Corporation asked independent financial planner Claire Mackay from Quantum Financial to be part of their expert Budget commentary team.
In the comment reproduced below, Claire shares her thoughts on the two things that she would change in Budget 2016.
You can view the expert live comments from Channel 7’s David Koch, leading financial planner Claire Mackay of Quantum Financial, PwC economist and former Treasury boffin Jeremy Thorpe and News Corp Australia cost of living editor John Rolfe.
You can view News Corps’ live blog [here].
You can view the Telegraph (Sydney) live blog [here].
You can view the Advertiser (Adelaide) live blog [here].
You can also read ’What wealthy people really need to do because of Budget 2016’ and our ‘Budget 2016 Survival Guide’.