A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald Money section titled ‘Live within your means: budget brilliantly’ highlighted Claire Mackay’s views on the topic.
(You can read the full Sydney Morning Herald article here. If this is paywalled, you may be able top access the article by Googling the title Live within your means: Budget brilliantly and accessing it that way)
From the article:
“Having a budget gives you the freedom and confidence that you can do what you want to do,” says independent financial planner, Claire Mackay of Quantum Financial. If you’ve never lived to a budget before, she says writing it down creates a stake in the ground you can build on.
You can put pen to paper, create a spreadsheet on your computer, or use one of the growing number of mobile phone apps (see box). The medium you choose is not as important as keeping a record of your incomings and outgoings. “It creates accountability,” says Mackay.
“The whole purpose of looking back is to decide if that’s how you want to live going forward,” says Mackay. It also makes it easier to identify areas where you could make savings to improve your lifestyle today and plan for future goals such as a holiday, home deposit or investments.
(You can read the full Sydney Morning Herald article here. If this is paywalled, you may be able top access the article by Googling the title Live within your means: Budget brilliantly and accessing it that way)
Claire Mackay LLB LLM BCom CA CFP CTA
I am a financial planner, SMSF expert and company director. I thrive on providing independent, expert financial advice to my wonderful clients. I was recognised as Financial Planner of the Year 2015 and Investment Adviser of the Year 2014.
To contact me, speak to my team on 02 8084 0453. Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter. You can also visit my personal website.